charlotteani: Ryan Thomas Gosling életrajza
az édesanyukkal maradtak.
Ryan a Gladstone Public Schoolba, a Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School és a Lester B. Pearson High Schoolba járt. Gyermekkorában imádta nézni a Dick Tracy, emiatt döntött úgy, hogy színész lesz. Ryan nem szeretett gyerek lenni, ugyanis piszkálták általános iskolában, nem voltak barátai körülbelül 14-15 éves koráig. Első osztályban megnézte a F
2017-06-10 00:13:17
velemenyezd: BTF - Kiállítás Vittorio Storaro fotóiból a Capa Központban
készített filmjeire koncentrál. A kiállításban feltűnnek a világhírű olasz operatőr legnagyobb munkáinak - mások mellett az Utolsó tangó Párizsban, A kis Buddha, Az utolsó császár, a Dick Tracy vagy az Apokalipszis most - egyes, olykor egymásra vágott kockái, valamint az azokat ihlető képzőművészeti alkotások reprodukciói.
A tárlaton kiderül például, hogy az Apokalipszis most
2017-04-10 19:13:47
hyace: E-könyvek .txt formátumban
Hizsnyai Zoltán; A stigma krátere.txt [90 KB]
Hollósi Tibor; Hosszú kések éjszakája.txt [385 KB]
Hollósvölgyi Iván; Versek.txt [25 KB]
Homérosz; Odüsszeia.txt [667 KB]
Honor Tracy; Szép kis naplemente.txt [401 KB]
Honor Tracy; Vannak még csodák.txt [435 KB]
Honoré de Balzac; A harmincéves asszony.txt [372 KB]
Honoré de Balzac; A kalandor
2016-06-23 09:12:44
schuro: Híres filmek kulisszái mögött - 5. (15 kép).
egy 1994-es francia film forgatásán.

A Sokarcú Al Pacino - Dick Tracy egy 1990-es amerikai krimi forgatásán.

A híd jelenet - A Godz
2014-11-16 18:00:35
schuro: Legendás filmek ikonikus pillanatai.

Avatar (Avatar) 2009

Dick Tracy (Dick Tracy) 1990

2014-08-11 22:56:59
eladasos: Ez történt - Július 7.-én
Gordon Conquers the Universe" and appeared with Abbott and Costello in "Ride 'Em Cowboy" (1941). Free-lancing after Universal cut her loose in 1945, Gwynne played Tess Trueheart in RKO's "Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome" (1947). She left films briefly in the mid-1950s, making an undistinguished comeback in "Teenage Monster" (1958), as the mother of the title character.

2013-07-07 08:13:41
eladasos: Ez történt - Április 17.-én
as a plucky heroine in a flux of 40s "B" westerns and crimers opposite such stalwarts as Robert Mitchum and Randolph Scott. Also among her roles was the part of Tess Trueheart in the "Dick Tracy" series with Morgan Conway as the steel-jawed hero, and a co-star role opposite Frank Sinatra in the war-era musical "Step Lively" (1944). None of these, however, were able to propel her i
2013-04-17 08:56:34
eladasos: Ez történt - Április 15.-én
8, 1942 and sent her to Hollywood to become an actress. She married Rudy Vallee, her senior by 22 years, in 1943. Hughes lent out the actress to RKO to star in many films, including "Dick Tracy" (1945), "Out of the Past" (1947), "They Won't Believe Me" (1947), and the comedy/suspense film "The Big Steal" (1949), alongside "Out of the Past" co-star Robert Mitchum.

2013-04-15 08:38:19
eladasos: Ez történt - Február 4.-én
as a plucky heroine in a flux of 40s "B" westerns and crimers opposite such stalwarts as Robert Mitchum and Randolph Scott. Also among her roles was the part of Tess Trueheart in the "Dick Tracy" series with Morgan Conway as the steel-jawed hero , and a co-star role opposite Frank Sinatra in the war-era musical "Step Lively"
2013-02-04 09:09:32
eladasos: Ez történt - Július 7.-én
Gordon Conquers the Universe" and appeared with Abbott and Costello in "Ride 'Em Cowboy" (1941). Free-lancing after Universal cut her loose in 1945, Gwynne played Tess Trueheart in RKO's "Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome" (1947). She left films briefly in the mid-1950s, making an undistinguished comeback in "Teenage Monster" (1958), as the mother of the title character.

2012-07-07 08:00:01
eladasos: Ez történt - Április 15.-én
8, 1942 and sent her to Hollywood to become an actress. She married Rudy Vallee, her senior by 22 years, in 1943. Hughes lent out the actress to RKO to star in many films, including "Dick Tracy" (1945), "Out of the Past" (1947), "They Won't Believe Me" (1947), and the comedy/suspense film "The Big Steal" (1949), alongside "Out of the Past" co-star Robert Mitchum.

2012-04-15 11:18:04
eladasos: Ez történt - Február 4.-én
as a plucky heroine in a flux of 40s "B" westerns and crimers opposite such stalwarts as Robert Mitchum and Randolph Scott. Also among her roles was the part of Tess Trueheart in the "Dick Tracy" series with Morgan Conway as the steel-jawed hero, and a co-star role opposite Frank Sinatra in the war-era musical "Step Lively" (1944). None of these, however, were able to propel her i
2012-02-04 08:09:36

Ryan Thomas Gosling, Kiállítás Vittorio Storaro, Capa Központban, Gladstone Public Schoolba, Cornwall Collegiate, Vocational School, Lester, Pearson High Schoolba, Dick Tracy, Hizsnyai Zoltán, Hollósi Tibor, Hollósvölgyi Iván, Honor Tracy, Sokarcú Al Pacino, Gordon Conquers, Tess Trueheart, Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome, Teenage Monster, Robert Mitchum, Randolph Scott, Morgan Conway, Frank Sinatra, Step Lively, Rudy Vallee, They Won, Believe Me,
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